Conscious Kitchen

You are, what you eat. Let's cook with Love.

Healing is love and love goes through the stomach as well, which is why our diet can be integrated into our conscious life. Cooking can be fun, colorful, with spices that have healing properties and still taste delicious. In love and gratitude for the wonderful gift that Mother Earth offer, I cook for you privately, of course vegetarian or vegan, for your events and retreats.


Give a Drop of joy to your food
every day.


Color brings joy and joy heals easily. Our world of spices and herbs like fruits or vegetables… they not only taste good, they also have great healing effects and that is why we can nourish and support our body and mind with the right nutrition.

What ever we eat, we give our whole system an information too. It means for me, i don’t cook meat, cause I’m sure the energy of an animal which is not treated well or in pain and fear when we just kill them unconsciously goes directly into their whole body and later on your plate and into your system.

We find all our vitamines, minerals, etc in plants and it is quite possible to eat and treat yourself well with an vegetarian kitchen. But i will never say you have to stop eating meat, depend on your bloodtype you might need it sometimes but it’s easy to be conscious about your food.

Terapias Alternativas Mandy Gasser Ajo Cantabria Terapia Craneosacral Biodinamico
Mandy Gasser